Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Seth+Sandy Candy=Big Mess

This kid just makes me laugh. He is always having fun doing something that I would not have him do. But I just can't get mad at him because he always has that little smile on his face that is so cute. This is how it went down-We were at the kids' school carnival and I made two sandy candy sticks for Levi and Seth(my first mistake). Then I let the boys hold the sticks and opened one end so they could get the candy out(my second mistake). So as a 2 year old would, Seth began to eat the candy and his slobbers went into the tube and mixed with the sugar only to clog up that end. Therefore, in Sethy's little mind, the wheels begin to turn, and he makes the only decision that he can. He must open the other end to get the candy out! This is what happened and of course it ended up all over the stroller and him! But oh well, it was so fun to watch and other people just think I am totally insane that I bring all four of my children out into public places at one time, so it just validates their opinion of me! Thank you, Seth!


km said...

You know...I think we all feel that way. And maybe the parents with less just don't understand. Yesterday at the park I saw another mom putting Rachel's shoes on. (She was in our group) I've just given up because the shoes last 30 seconds and they're off again. I was sure the moms were wondering why I let her run around barefoot and bedragled...but she had so much fun in sand I had to empyt her diaper before I got in the car. =0)

Becky Mutter said...

AWESOME! What is better than getting to make huge messes when you're a kid!? My brothers and I PAINTED our nearly naked bodies ALL OVER with MUD. We were being Mud Monsters. I totally loved it. And my mom seemed to enjoy freezing us out when she hosed us down! There's nothing better in life. It's not like we can go play in the mud NOW! HMM?? Or can we? I love that you just love 'em and let them be who they are!