Monday, February 11, 2008

A Handsome Fella

Jonathan learned how to tie his own necktie. There was a really great story in "The Friend"(January 2008) and at the end of the story were instructions on how to tie a tie. Jonathan got three nice ties for Christmas, so he picked one as he was getting ready for church and asked me where he could find "The Friend". He went into his room and shut the door. I didn't realize what he was doing until after he was done! (I helped him just an eensy bit to finish it up, but that's all.) It is so great when you see your children be inspired by something that they see and want to do it themselves. I love the wonderful resources that we have in the church. "The Friend" is so great for the little ones and can teach them practical things that they can use in their lives.


Delise said...

Way to go Jonathan! I don't think I know how to do that yet...I'd better dig out our copy of the Friend and learn!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I'm gonna have to grab that Jan edition. I need to brush up on my skills. Aaron taught me a couple years ago, but I think I've forgotten. I suppose I need not worry - all girls so far! :oP

It is so crazy to see them grow up!